The terms and conditions outlined here apply to sales on credit extended by Capitol Broadcasting Company, Inc. (“CBC”) and its properties, in Television: WRAL-TV, WRAL.2, WRAZ-TV, WRAZ.2, WILM-TV, WNGT-TV; with Digital: WRAL Digital; and Radio: WRAL-FM, WCMC-FM, WDNC-AM, WRAL-HD2, and WRAL-HD3. The person or entity applying for credit is referred to as the applicant (“Applicant”). Reference to “Station” will refer to the CBC property with which Applicant’s order is placed. The terms and conditions outlined herein shall govern and control all future Services provided by Station for the Applicant or Third Party (defined below), as applicable.
In consideration of Station providing advertising services, production services, or related services (“Services”) now and/or in the future, the Applicant agrees to be bound by the following:
If Applicant is an advertiser, Applicant acknowledges it has the authority to purchase Services from Station. If Applicant is an advertising agency or another service entity purchasing Services on behalf of a third party (a “Third Party”), Applicant acknowledges that it has the authority to purchase Services from Station on behalf of the Third Party. Notwithstanding to whom Services are rendered, Applicant is jointly and severally liable for the timely payment of all invoices to Station.
All invoices are due within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. Should timely payment not be made, Applicant agrees to pay all collection agency fees and expenses, and other costs of collection, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs incurred by Station in pursuing and collecting payment.
Any dispute by Applicant of any broadcast, commercial announcement, Services provided by Station, or invoice amount, shall be reported to Station in writing within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the related invoice. Failure to report a dispute within the timeframe will constitute a waiver of any claim by Applicant. Any pending dispute will not affect Applicant’s obligation to make payment of all non-disputed amounts within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice.
If credit is approved, Station reserves the right to cancel credit at any time with or without notice for whatever reason.
Applicant certifies that all statements and information provided to Station, including any requested financial statements are true, correct, and complete. Station is hereby authorized to verify Applicant’s credit worthiness through any source available to it.